Friday, August 22, 2014

Why Flossing is Important

Ever heard of the phrase, brushing alone is not enough?

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The statement serves true, as there are places your toothbrush cannot reach. In these places, bacteria builds up, causing plaque and tooth decay.

The American Dental Association recommends brushing at least twice daily. For sure you have been doing this. However, have you also been up to flossing at least once a day, as the ADA recommended?

Your toothbrush can clean the top and outer surface of your teeth. But, what about the tight spaces and between your chompers and mini holes in between your teeth and gums? Sure a mouthwash can help eradicate the bacteria; but it doesn’t remove the dogged tartar. Floss functions as an interdental clinic, to help you clean these spaces.  Flossing plays a major role in removing food debris, making your pearly whites look brighter.

Apart from retaining that great smile, flossing also helps keep you maintain healthygums and teeth. We do know that a clean mouth can help prevent teeth diseases, and other illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and more.

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How to floss:
Some say flossing is hard, however with practice, you can floss perfectly.
Wrap the floss in your fingers, and as you guide the string of floss in your mouth, do it in a push and pull motion. Repeat with your other teeth.

Make flossing a habit. So, the next time you visit the dental clinic, you can beam proudly that yes you have been flossing.

Dr. Cecilia Lontoc DMD is one of the best dentists. For more information or to schedule your dental checkup, please call (310) 782-6155  or visit our website at

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